Warrior Farms is proud to have a lot of heritage breeds at our farm! Heritage breeds are traditional livestock breeds that were raised by our forefathers. These are the breeds of a bygone era, alive before industrial agriculture became a mainstream practice.
Which Heritage Breeds are at Warrior Farms
Heritage breeds currently at the farm include Silver Fox and American Chinchilla Rabbits, Silver Appleyard Ducks, and Bourbon Red Turkeys.
Coming soon: Spanish Black Turkeys
We are going to be in Louisiana in February, and a chef there has agreed to give us 10 Spanish Black Turkeys. This is exciting because these are the original turkeys to be brought over here and are a very rare breed to find.
In bringing these turkeys home, we hope to have another turkey coop built by the middle of February so that, once they get here, we can store them comfortably.
Help us with our Heritage Breeds as a volunteer!
We always need extra hands to care for our hertiage breeds. No experience necessary! We’ll teach you everything you need to know. To find out more, just give us a call at 678-743-1751.